Part 3 The Great Escape: Your Business Plan

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Plan Your Escape

Your business plan is the key and part three of The Great Escape. This was only a three-part series but I have received such a positive response that I will add a couple of more articles. In Part One I told you the truth about what it will take to succeed in your home business. No glitz and glamour no bluff and puff. It will take persistent and consistent action to reach your goals.

In Part Two I gave you 7.5 elements to plan your escape. If you have a job I told you to keep it and invest in your home business. Now I am going to give you your home business plan.

Your Business Plan

Your Product or Service – Find a product that is in high demand. The ideal products are consumable so you can get repeat sales. Investigate everything. Find items that you are enthusiastic about selling. Treat this like you were investing thousands of dollars or getting a professional license.

business plan

Many home businesses have a low-cost entry fee. Easy to get in and easy to quit. Look for products or services that pay a high commission I suggest 70% commission fees or more. Plus you want to earn residual income. My primary business pays me 100% commissions, and residual income, and I have low-end and high-end products.

Read Part One of the Great Escape

It’s okay to have low entry fees as long as you can upsell your clients on high-end items. Think about when you go to a fast food restaurant. You order 1 item and they offer you another. You can do the same. Find a business where you can offer low-end and top-tier products.

Don’t make the mistake of joining a business just because your friends and family have joined. If you are not into health and nutrition then don’t join that industry. Don’t like selling investment products don’t become a Certified Financial Planner. It’s that simple.

Funding Your Home-based Business – You need to invest in your business. Your business will have fixed costs every month. You will have to pay for marketing, bills, professional fees, auto-ships, or automatic re-bills. This is why I said keep your day job. Newbies never take into account the cost of running a business.

Read Part Two of the Great Escape

Create a budget and only buy what you need to make more sales. Re-invest 20% of your income back into marketing and advertising. Write down what you spend or get financial software. Keeping track of your expenses will help you with your advertising campaigns so you won’t waste money.

Training, Leadership, and Mastermind – Chances are you will join a down-line, affiliate group, or brokerage. It took me months to find a successful group of like-minded people. This group provided a successful model for me to follow.

Find successful people in your field. Join their groups and engage with them. I meet people online and offline. I call into a Think and Grow Rich Mastermind group five days per week. My team gets to plug into training every day. We meet up at company events, hangouts, and weekly conference calls. This is what you want in your home business plan.

Read Part Four of The Great Escape

Marketing Success Systems – This is the most important part of your business plan. You can have the worst product but if you market well you will make sales. There is a steep learning curve for newbies if they are not focused. Information overload awaits the unprepared entrepreneur.

Never fall for the push-button magic marketing systems that promise sales without selling. Cash is not generated without the sale. Marketing creates leads that turn into sales.

Action Steps

You now have four fundamentals for your business plan. Pick your business, set a budget, get the best training, and find a marketing system that will help you generate traffic, capture leads, and convert those leads into sales.

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