Why Money Is Important

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Money is important? Now, it is not the most important thing but it ranks right up there with breathing. That’s a quote from Zig Ziglar. You need money to function in this society. Money is a means to an end and builds roads, schools, and parks, it pays for public services, law enforcement, and public safety.

Money provides shelter, feeds the hunger, and provides education to the masses. Furthermore, money provides the opportunity to start businesses, invest in real estate, and fund charities. The importance of money is seen in the neighborhoods that lack it.

Good or Evil

Money is amoral. It’s neither bad nor good. How you use money determines if it will help or hurt your community. Just like a brick isn’t evil until you choose to harm a person or personal property. Money is an instrument used to exchange goods and services. In the right hands, it can empower a neighborhood or bring it down to a slum.

money is important

People say money is not important but they work 40, 60, or 80 hours to get it. They attend seminars, classes, and events on how to make more. Why is the nation addicted to credit and piling up debts if mastering money is a low priority? Why is it squandered?

Think about it as soon as your check arrives it is already spent. When a windfall arrives you put it to use immediately buying the latest gadgets are paying off your credit card so you can buy more. How do you feel about money? What negative associations do you hold on to? What money myths were you taught growing up?

Money and Character

In The Law of Success, by Napoleon Hill, he states that those who don’t save and invest a portion of their income have a lack of character. You can look at a person’s bank statement and see what kind of life they live. Napoleon Hill says everyone needs to develop a habit of saving money.

A habit of saving builds character. It teaches delayed gratification, provides opportunities, and those who save get the best deals. The bigger your down payment the lower your interest rate will be. Pay cash and you can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars on your purchases. Your investments can pay for all of your stuff.

Entrepreneurs who develop a savings habit can secure more finances. They can take advantage of changing trends, buy investments at a discount, and close more deals due to their surplus. Wealth-building opportunities come to those who can act and command money to appear at the right moment.

Money is important and you should master it. Money is in your life every day, learn how to make it work for you. Here are 3 things you can do to have money work for you.

Control Your Spending

Bad spending habits lead to debt and poverty. You can’t save if you are spending all that you make. Keep a budget and cut all your expenses. Renegotiate interest rates and eliminate stuff you really don’t use. Do you really need cable, magazine subscriptions, and a club membership? Instead of buying on credit find a way to pay cash and get discounts.

Become Debt Free

Your goal is Debt freedom. The average monthly debt payment ranges from $600 to $1100 according to Fool.com. Those are payments that could go to your business, savings, or investing. Controlling your spending will help you pay off all of your debts.

Make More Money

To spend more to earn more. There are hundreds of things you can do to earn a side income. An extra $1000 per month can put you on the road to financial freedom. Turn your hobby into some dollars. Start consulting and putting your talents to work. Sell all that stuff in your house that you haven’t used in years.

Why is Money So Important

More money will not make you happy. You read the countless stories of the rich and famous who spiral out of control. You see corrupt people abuse their power to get more money. Lotto winners, athletes, and entertainers go broke after they make millions.

How you use your money will determine the joy in your life. Your Why is the factor. Having your money work for you is the goal here. I coordinate personal finance classes and I see how money can ruin lives.

The lack of money has parents losing custody because one parent could not afford an attorney. People are working 2 to 3 jobs to make ends meet. Mountains of debt crush marriages. Spouses are keeping up with the Joneses. Businesses break up due to greed and jealousy.

How you control your money is important. It’s not the most important thing but it is right up there with breathing. If you don’t care about money then send all of your money to me. I can make good use of it.

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