Think It Then Ink It

Sharing is Winning

What does think it then ink it mean? Well, no doubt you have had an ah-ha moment in the shower, driving, exercising, or just about any time. That hunch was probably a million-dollar idea. Or it got you closer to your goal. That moment of brilliance popped into your head and if you don’t write it down it could be lost forever.

Studies show that ideas flash into your head and are gone in about 8 seconds. In about 8 minutes the idea is lost completely. You know the feeling. You are working on a project and you are stuck. Then while you are engaged in another activity an idea hits you. It’s pure genius. You say you will remember. Boom 30 seconds you got distracted and it is gone.

Frustration abounds as you try to remember. Should have written it down. Your mind moves so fast, that thoughts come and go at warp speed. This is when you implement Think It Then Ink It. I found this method after reading a copy of books on self-improvement. A couple of pages about writing things down has helped me achieve my goals.

Make it a habit of writing things down. Writing things down gets it out of your head. It calms your mind. Plus writing it down brings your imagination into reality. The physical part of writing it down gives it creditability and you are visually seeing your ideas.

Three things happen when you record your ah-ha moments:

  1. You Physically Make it Real
  2. You Visually see it in Reality
  3. You hear it because you are repeating it with your voice.

The seeds of brilliance can come to you at any time. Here are 4 Ways To Think It Then Ink It

1. Carry A Recording Device – This is why you should carry a recording device at all times. Choose index cards, a little notebook, or a voice recorder. Use your smartphone or tablet. The important thing is to create a habit that you can do for the rest of your life. Make it easy to implement.

think it then ink it

2. Record Your Ah-Ha Moments – Your hunches can come at any time. Be prepared. Stuck on the freeway? An idea on how to close that real estate deal flashes in your head, hurry to write it down. If you are riding public transportation, a new marketing idea comes to mind, write it down. You wake up with a brilliant idea to love your family more. Ink it!

Most of these ideas will not amount to anything. But the process gets you closer to success. Plus you can review it and see where your mind was at that time. I reviewed my little fat notebook and found a couple of blog ideas from a year ago. I started writing about those ideas.

Keep a Victory Log

3. Record Your Wins – Self-confidence is important when it comes to goal achieving. Not only record your ideas. Write down your wins for the day. Write down the compliments you received for going the extra mile. Record that you stuck to your diet, made it to the gym, or followed up and followed through.

Start stacking wins because you can always come back and see a trend in your life. An athlete, entertainer, or salesperson can always go back and check their stats. These are your stats. Build them up. You will see a pattern. Plus you are building confidence for further achievements. Writing it down will help you appreciate your journey for the day.

4. Deliberate Recording – There are countless stories of geniuses spending time in quiet places to mediate and record their ideas. Some went into a dark room for an hour. Others went to the beach, mountains, or park. The point is they set time aside to meditate, think of a solution, and get into a place where they can capture inspiration.

I am asking you to do this too. Find some quiet time where you can visualize, meditate, or pray. Get rid of all the noise around you and let the ideas flow. Attract the keys to your solutions. Also, keep a notepad near your bed when you go to sleep. Your dreams might reveal something you need.

Your subconscious still works while you are asleep. When you wake up during the night or have a hard time sleeping. Think It Then Ink It. Writing it down may help you sleep better. I leave a notebook by my bed every night. I don’t remember waking up and then there are ideas right on the paper. It’s like magic

Action Plan

Everything in your life has begun with a thought. The buildings, parks, and everything else were thought of by someone who brought it into reality. Think it Then Ink It allows you to bring your thoughts into reality. Don’t miss the opportunity to bring those hunches to life.

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